Can I Have Your ID?

If you are not from Britain or not familiar with the law about alcohol consumption in this country, let me give you a little bit of an introduction.

You cannot buy alcoholic drink if you are under 18, and it is illegal for anyone to sell you one. However you can consume alcohol in some restaurants if you are over 16, as long as you are accompanied by adults (who buy the alcohol for you). These seem simple, but then there is a ‘challenge 25‘ policy.

Challenge 25 policy is pretty simple. Basically the person selling you the alcoholic beverage would ask you for an ID if you do look younger than 25. I think the idea is that a 17 year old girl could easily pass as 18 with the help of some make up, but would be hard to pass as 25 year old woman. So is 16 year old boy could grow enough moustache nowadays and pass as someone older, but would be hard to pass as fully grown 25 year old man.

Photo by Julia Kuzenkov on

Although I did giggle a little when typing ‘fully grown 25 year old man‘. Most of 25 year old men I met could easily have the maturity of 12 year old, but I am generalising and I am sorry for doing that.

When I was a bit younger, say just over 25 year old, being asked for an ID is a bit of a faff. I was studying for my MA and needed some help to be creative with my paperwork… why don’t we summon Mr. Daniel to the mix? However as a foreign student, I do not have ‘normal’ photo ID to show to the British shopkeepers. Often I got my Indonesian resident card denied as a proper ID, so I had to carry with me my passport. Passport. To buy alcohol. What a faff.

Now as I am nearing 40, being asked for ID is a very much welcomed nuisance. The change in their expression, the compliment that follows next…. “Oh you don’t look a day older than 20“. My husband’s face when he is trying to hold his laughter. I mean, he is older than I am, he could have had a 25 year old child. How creepy is that?

Photo by Chris F on

As someone working in hospitality, I think it would be a great idea to incorporate safe guarding with customer service. Asking an ID for a woman who is almost clearly older than 25 is. from my experience always met with gratitude, and almost always set a great mood for the rest of the evening. Hospitality business owners… you’re welcome.

However, it does make me wonder. Do men experience the same kind of happiness when they were asked for an ID? Would they react similarly when they are asked to prove their age, when they are actually older? Would they feel elated when they’re mistaken as someone younger?

Or is it just us women who are so insecure with our ages, so that look younger become so important to us?

I am not sure I have the answer for that. This is a blog, not a philosophy class. I will let you think of the answer yourself, while I am basking on the joy of being asked for an ID, to prove myself worth this glass of cold liqueur.

Until next time.

3 thoughts on “Can I Have Your ID?

  1. This is so interesting! My husband gets carded constantly — he has a baby face. At a friend’s wedding, the bar tender literally laughed in his face when he ordered a beer. For him, it’s not welcome. For me, it’s welcome if I actually remember to bring my ID and not leave it at home 🙂

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